Instead of a New Year's Resolution, Do THIS!

Succeed WITHOUT Making a New Year’s Resolution


We made it! 2020 is here. I don't know about you but 2019 held a lot of growth for me personally and professionally. I accomplished straight pull ups, competed in my first Crossfit competition, had my thyroid removed, saw Jerry Seinfeld perform, and most importantly, finally started  my own physical therapy practice! It might sound weird and maybe others would disagree with this statement, but it is NOT an easy journey to actually go after your dreams. It opens you up to face things looming beneath the surface like self doubt, criticism, fear of failure, and having to deal with change. When you actually shoot for those big life goals, you can no longer have that thought in the back of you mind, that "I could always quit my job one day and go do-----this," because you are actually doing this. Going for your dream means that you are subjecting yourself to failure and discovering your weaknesses. Have you ever heard the expression, "I didn't know what I didn't know?" Well, start your own business and you WILL get it!

So why is it important to aim high and go for your dream goal? Because you were put here for a purpose. A purpose that only YOU can live out in your own unique way. You can settle and choose the easy more cushy route, of course you can. But settling means that there is the potential for something more, and you are missing out. There is something more fulfilling out there for you to be doing. Something that could actually be attained, if you decided to buck up and just got for it! I am reminded of a story in the Bible where Jesus restored sight to a blind man. He spit on his eyes and the man replied that he could see, but people looked like "big trees walking around". Jesus touched his eyes again, and his sight was clear. He could have settled for the blurry vision, I mean blurry vision is better than no vision right? But he didn't settle he was honest, and round 2, his sight was completely restored! Don't compare where you are right now, to a worser alternative. That is exactly how you are going to get warm and snuggly in the mediocre. Instead, compare where you are now, to what your potential is. What are you actually doing today compared to what you dream about doing?

Let's talk resolutions for 2020. Or better yet, let's talk about NOT making resolutions for 2020! Instead, write out one, specific, dream. What is the big picture of what you want to do with your life? Whew, thats a tall order! Just do it, including all the minute details. Next, it is time to make some lists {the task oriented people of the world raise a hallelujah!!}

  1. Make a list of things that you enjoy. It could be free time, family time, helping people, whatever is important to you that makes your heart happy.

  2. Make a list of your personal attributes. Are you intelligent? Compassionate? Hard working? Write it down.

  3. Make a list of your gifts. What are you really good at that you can offer the world? Maybe its public speaking, working with your hands, listening

  4. Make a list of your weaknesses. What are the areas in which you need to see growth and improvement. 

Now, stand back and look at everything you've written down. How do all of these things relate to your dream? How do your attributes connect with your gifts? How can your gifts help you to achieve your dream goal? Are you able to use your gifts in a way that brings you joy? What steps can you take today to address your weaknesses? It's amazing when we look at the bigger picture, how all of the little details that make us unique also prepare us for something more! This kind of thinking breathes life into the ambitions that you have and makes those seemingly unattainable goals a reality.

So give it a try! I would love to hear how this process works for you, and how you are working towards your own goals. If you are posting on social media, use #athletesmechanicgoals, and I will keep a look out for you and would be happy to encourage you in your own journey.

Cheers to 2020, I hope it brings you clear vision {pun intended},

abundant happiness, and loads of success!



Dr. Ashley Romine, DPT
Owner / Physical Therapist
Athlete’s Mechanic, LLC

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